Notifications receive notices right on your device

Notifications keep you up-to-date with your in/out board without having to launch the Simple In/Out application. Let us deliver all the latest information right to your phone, PC, or Mac. We offer notifications on all our Pro plans.

Followed Users

Receive a notification when a user within your organization makes a status update. Follow everyone or only follow users you choose. Stay up-to-date without even launching Simple In/Out!

Phones and Desktop

Simple In/Out can send notifications to you wherever you are and on any/all your devices. We support iOS and Android, as well as Windows and Mac desktops.

Choose When to Receive Notifications

Simple In/Out is great at notifying you when your people have updated their statuses, but it can be overwhelming if you follow a lot of users and they are working over the weekend. Now notifications can be sent only during your scheduled times. Work can wait!

Remind Your Users to Stay Current

Reminders are a great way to increase the accuracy of your in/out board without unnecessarily bothering your users. Choose when and under what circumstances you'd like to remind your users, and we'll send a notification to their device(s) through our native apps. Simple In/Out will only send reminder notifications to the users that need reminding.

Safety Notifications Keep You Informed

If you wish to make sure your users have updated their statuses, Safety Notifications can help. Choose the status and users you'd like to know about and when you'd like to be notified. Simple In/Out will notify your phone or computer if those users are still in an undesirable status. Receive Safety Notification if your users haven't updated their statuses at the end of the day, haven't checked in to start a shift, or any other scenario that requires you to know your users are safely in a particular status.

Followed User ~ 3 minutes

Reminders ~ 5 minutes

Safety ~ 6 minutes

Frequently Asked Questions

Can all my users receive notifications when another user updates their status?

The Simple In/Out role manager gives you complete control over who has permissions to receive these notifications.

When I follow someone, does Simple In/Out send notifications to all my devices?

No. Notifications are set up per device, so you can receive notifications on your phone without seeing them on your desktop, or vise versa. You can also follow different users on different devices if that use case works for you.

Should I use Safety Notification for life or death situations?

Safety Notifications have the ability to contact you about the current statuses of your users, however such ability is not guaranteed to function. Safety Notifications will not work under a variety of circumstances, such as if this device is not turned on, if this device is not connected to the internet, or if the providers of our services do not deliver the notification.

Safety Notifications are not a replacement for emergency services and should not be treated as such. Simply Made Apps will not be responsible for any injury, death or other damages that may occur while using Safety Notifications in accordance with the Simple In/Out Terms & Agreement.

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